We help organizations like yours
go from managing diversity as a necessity
to leveraging differences for a competitive advantage.

Our Mission
We approach leadership with an inclusionary lens, which requires nuanced non-violent communication and intentional systems to positively include everyone regardless of gender, age, sexuality or race. The goal of inclusion is to engage every single person to their fullest potential - to create a true meritocracy built around an individual's contribution to the team and ultimately to the organization.
Our unique focus is on the business value of creating a full partnership between women and men. This is a doorway to multiple intersectional conversations.
Traditional diversity approaches have focused on equity (actions and treatment of others) and equality (equal rights, treatment, etc.). Partnership goes beyond equity and equality to create powerful synergies by leveraging the differing competencies of men and women.
Ray and Ed were great facilitators at our women’s group strategy session and helped us see the true business case for gender partnership and inclusion. They were engaging and relatable—and inspired our group to take the next step in advancing women through engaging men
Consulting to Employee Resource Groups
We offer webinars, online trading programs, consulting, and training to men’s ERG including work-life balance, developing as inclusive leaders, and best practices for effective ERG activities. In particular, our trading professionals play a decisive role in creating and executing a trade. Despite automated trading bots such as the Bitcoin code that simplifies the trading process, the role of trading experts is inevitable and significant.
We offer consulting and coaching to women’s ERG that are interested in going beyond empowering women’s leadership and taking on engaging men in gender partnership.
We offer webinars and training in cross-gender communications and other areas of potential synergies.
A Typical Client Conversation...
Leadership Coaching
Coaching to achievement of real business results
- Focused on the needs of senior leadership and mid-level management
- Individual Coaching
- Team Coaching for strategic leadership
Our Signature Workshops
Gender Partnership
(custom-designed, 1 to 3 days.):
- Reveal and shift any masculine norms that unconsciously exclude women with themselves and others .
- Motivate other men to champion women.
- Articulate the compelling business proposition for the advancement of women.
- Reveal the blind spots of white male privilege within themselves and others that exist in society.
- Mobilize individuals, teams and functional areas to produce business success through gender inclusiveness.
- Create behavioral and conversational practices for sustainability.
Bridging the Generational Gap (millennials into management)
“Dale is a rising thought leader of his generation.”
How to engage male leaders in gender partnership. The intersection between the discussions around gender and generations often marks upcoming paradigm shifts in our social narrative around leadership. In this panel discussion, we invite the audience to participate in a session with three men of three different generations who all work to create gender partnership and inclusive leadership within corporations.
Moving into eldership
“A journey into the second half of our own lives awaits us all. Not everybody gets there, even though all of us get older, and some of us get older than others. A “further journey” is a well-kept secret, for some reason. Many people do not even know there is one. There are too few who are aware of it, tell us about it, or know that it is different from the journey of the first half of life.” – Richard Rohr, Falling Upward: A Spirituality for the Two Halves of Life
As more and more of us live longer and work longer, and as more and more young people with new and advanced skills move into the workplace, we may come to allow our value to be questioned or, worse yet, begin to question our value ourselves. Richard Rohr and others have engaged on an effort to rehabilitate the role of elders – women and men – in society and in the workplace. Rabbi Zalman Schechter-Shalomi was an early entrant into this effort with his 1995 book From Age-ing to Sage-ing: A Revolutionary Approach to Growing Older. In that book he says: “From childhood to late adulthood, we’re like railroad trains that follow highly regular stretches of track to predictable destinations. Then, as elderhood approaches, we reach the end of the line, only to discover that management hasn’t had the foresight to lay any more track. We must get off the train and walk – but to where? What is our next destination?”
As a tri-generational partnership, we at Gender Leadership Group are committed to fostering each person’s maximum contribution to their life – at home, in their community, and for as long as they choose to remain in the workplace. Moving into Eldership is a program dedicated to working with people of any age who want to “lay more track,” or even break new ground in their progress through life. Subject include the unique contribution elders have to make, mentoring the young, seeing and blessing others’ achievements, and leaving a conscious legacy.
If you are ready for peace of mind, great business and personal relationships, and moving up the ladder to success, Ray is your answer.
What you get from our workshops
- A concrete plan to grow your bottom line results with gender partnership
- A consciously-led conversation around gender leadership and diversity
- Advanced leadership training
- Better recruitment
- Better retention
- Better and more diverse markets
- Better leadership
- Better sales
- Happier and more engaged employees